Gamification is a new learning technique that many workplaces are beginning to adopt. Gamification takes traditional gaming mechanics and uses them to help employees improve learning and development, while also providing a unique and user friendly experience. As new generations are beginning to enter the workforce, organizations are pivoting the way they onboard employees to help better meet their learning needs. With millennials and generation Z playing popular commercial games like Fortnite, organizations have seen a significant benefit when training employees through gamification. However, some executives may still find themselves wondering exactly how this new technique works. Here are three ways that gamification can enhance learning and development.

Offering a personalized learning experience

One of the main benefits companies experience when implementing gamification into their onboarding process is that employees are able to tailor the experience to fit their unique learning style. With gamification, employees are able to measure their own progress, set rewards and receive real-time feedback.

By creating real-life environments, it can also improve an employee’s motivation. Similar to a video game, players have the ability to move on to the next level. Once an employee reaches a certain level, rewards are provided. This encourages the thought that the employee is constantly working towards something, which deploys a strong motivator for continuous learning and growth.

Creating a fun environment

As humans, we have a natural affinity for playing games, whether it is because of the competitive nature it provides, or because it acts as a distraction to our daily tasks. Oftentimes, the human race is more engaged when activities are constructed in game-form. In a recent survey, 87 percent of employees stated that gamification makes them more productive, 84 percent of employees said they are more engaged, and 82 percent are happier at work. With gamification, monotonous or challenging tasks become enjoyable and less rigorous for employees.

Upskilling workers with 3-D experiences

As younger generations become more integrated into the workforce, keeping up-to-date with the latest technology has been extremely important for organizations. Millennials and Generation Z have grown up using technology and struggle to learn in a traditional environment. For any organization, quickly training and upskilling employees is a priority. With gamification and 3-D experiences, employers are able to quickly fill the skill and talent gap in an organization.

Organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve their learning and development process. By implementing gamification into the training process, organizations are seeing tremendous benefits. It creates a fun environment while still focusing on the importance of learning and closing the skills gap.

To learn more about learning and development, check out our blog about 5 Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to the Skills Gap!