Whether your company has 10 or 300 employees, creating an effective and productive workspace can help increase employee engagement. With company culture rising to the forefront as one of the main features top talent is searching for, companies are looking for areas to add even more value. Since most employees spend eight or more hours a day in the office, it is important for businesses to be aware of how an office setup can influence and inspire their workers.

When it comes to designing an office space, companies should be mindful of how the office will impact company culture and employee satisfaction. A well-designed office should encourage collaboration yet still ensure employees can work peacefully. Below are three ways companies can enhance certain aspects of their office space to improve productivity:

Create a welcoming kitchen area

During the workday, it can be difficult to look away from your computer. But oftentimes, food can be a helpful deterrent. Creating a welcoming space where employees congregate to eat their lunch can help encourage different departments to mix and mingle. A large kitchen table can present the opportunity for colleagues to facilitate conversations and build stronger relationships in the workplace.

Having a designated area for employees to eat can also encourage employees to eat away from their desks. The main reason employees eat at their desks is because it might be the only time they can catch up on emails and voicemails, but it has been scientifically proven that sitting in a chair all day can be bad for your health.

This alternative lunch situation also boosts employees’ productivity as well as improves overall wellness. If your company doesn’t have a designated kitchen area, encourage your employees to take a lunch break or to step away from their desks periodically throughout the day.

Establish common areas for a change of scenery

Establishing common areas is extremely important in a company’s office space. In a 2015 NPR report, Kimberly Elsbach, a professor at the University of California, David Graduate School of Management, who studies workplace psychology said, “We know that creativity and innovation happen when people change their environment, and especially when they expose themselves to a nature-like environment, to a natural environment.”

By creating assigned spaces around the office that serve a variety of purposes can help employees break out of their afternoon slump. When designing these spaces, it is important to be mindful that employees have different working styles. Putting a collaborative space in the middle of the office can negatively impact the concentration of those around them. However, designated quiet areas, it can give those who like to work in silence a place to concentrate.

These specific spaces should also include comfortable pieces of furniture like couches or sitting chairs to help create a cozy and enjoyable space.

Be creative with conference rooms

Many individuals carry a negative mindset towards meetings. Oftentimes, employees think meetings are an inconvenience and a waste of time. To combat these feelings, it is important to reiterate to employees that meetings can help provide value and offer the opportunity to contribute new ideas or thoughts.

It also helps when conference rooms are modern and inviting. Painting walls colors other than white can help increase communication and create a conducive environment. According to a recent study when asked about wall color preference, the majority felt most comfortable in a blue or blue-green environment. For some organizations, painting may not be an option. To get the same effect, try hanging up paintings that incorporate calming colors. This can help enhance the conference room and make it less dull.

To learn more about improving company culture, check out our blog on 5 Ways to Re-Energize Your Workforce and Improve Employee Engagement!